Letter to IRS – San Jose

This is a letter that I wrote to John Sullivan, Chief of the Examination Division of the IRS District Office in San Jose (courtesy-copying seven of his colleagues).1, 2 The first thing I want to say is: How embarrassing! The second thing I want to say is: I’d write it again (emphasis added). Well, maybe I’d change a few things. But overall, I accomplished my goal. What that is/was, I haven’t a clue. Nevertheless, being ignored by the IRS is a to-die-for situation for millions of tax-payers around the good ole U S of A.3


Basically, I was throwing some free-form thinking at them hoping something (made sense and) would stick. (I guess I could say that something stuck, because I have not heard from the IRS since then and since five years before then when I was also sending them such letters) Sending courtesy copies of my letter to all of their tax-collecting colleagues around the state, I was “networking” way before its time. Were I to do it over, I probably wouldn’t courtesy copy the peripheral players not directly connected to the IRS and FTB. It’s obvious that I didn’t really know what the heck I was truly saying. The laundry-list of matters that I bunched into the letter were of importance. But many of them had no correlation to each other.


The one thing that I did say that made all the sense in the world, my mantra, my catchphrase, my tagline, on Page 1-front and center, clichéd as it is and was, is/was:


I have failed and refused to file any [and all federal and state]

income tax returns since 1986 (emphasis added).”


This statement still holds true even though we’re here at a quarter of a century hence.


1 This is a follow-up letter to the one that I sent to Mr. Sullivan on June 29, 1991 (which can be accessed at that date on the Timeline).


2 I did not include the attachments to the subject letter in the adjoining PDF file. However, they can be accessed at their corresponding dates within the Timeline. 
3 The secret to my success? I have no secret. The recipe is strewn all over Berberian Mystery Theatre. All you gotta do is get a hold of some top-notch attorneys. Then you sue someone like Haig Berberian (who has hundreds of millions of dollars) and an entity like Wells Fargo Bank (which has billions of dollars). Make sure that there are some of the same players in your case as those in Ernest & Julio Gallo v. Joseph Gallo. Additionally, see to it that both cases have intriguing commonalities, fraud and deceit-wise, such as a surprise enigmatic “res judicata” (a very uncommon defense, yet common to both Berberian v. Berberian and Gallo v. Gallo). However, for the defense/doctrine of res judicata to stick (and covertly ruin your life), make certain that crooked judges hear your case as they wink and nod to counsel on both sides (or just one side as in the case of Gallo v. Gallo). All of the foregoing is for starters. Then, in one way or another, you drag the IRS and FTB into the mix, who are probably already involved, given all of the money and laws being pricked, pushed, poked, prodded and parsed. But, if you do it like me, in your explosion of letter-writing, your inventory of subjects raised must include a whole lotta yapping and yakking about the legal and financial shenanigans that the IRS (and FTB) doesn’t want to hear about, such that some of the agents involved can remain on the take (reaping their reward sometime down the line when no one is looking). And make sure that the IRS knows that if they do decide to haul you in for an audit or for any other reason, you intend to video/audio record said session (allowed under IRS law). And sweeten the deal by mentioning that the entire event, audio and video and a transcription thereof will be posted on the Internet. Much of the foregoing is simple Conspiracy/Greed 101. It’s no biggie.-“Follow the money,” as they say. Then you’re home free. You’ll see neither hide nor hair of the IRS nor hear from the FTB in any meaningful way for at least thirty (30) years. Ta-dah!

Click Here to view the Letters